Mother of Aaron – age 9 (WA)
Firstly, I would like to say how impressed I was with the programme that Aaron was guided through. It was so comprehensive and all the support material was excellent.
Kelly is an extremely patient and dedicated lady, and her brilliant use of language, explanations and strategies she used to help Aaron were fantastic. He really misses his consultations.
Aaron’s reading has improved hugely already and it has only been a couple of months since he finished his treatment. He is a different child. He comes home from school happy, singing to himself. He is confident and engaged. His teacher says he is more attentive in class and is putting his hand up and answering questions. He is keeping up with his copying from the whiteboard now, this is something he really struggled with and rarely copied anything in time or correctly. Now he is one of the fastest in the class! He continues to use the strategies Kelly taught us to continue to build on his knowledge of words and spellings. I cannot emphasise enough how this has changed our lives at home.
Aaron used to be a very angry, frustrated and upset little boy. During holidays he would improve and then as soon as school started, after a couple of weeks he would deteriorate into a very sad, angry and unpleasant person to be around. I realise now he was so overloaded and frustrated that he couldn’t read the words properly, so his brain was getting tired. We had his eyes tested a couple of years before and they had said he had perfect vision. He was so good at using other strategies to compensate for his eyes being weak, that no one ever picked up that he had a problem with his left eye.
Since going through the programme with Kelly, both eyes have strengthened and the problem with his left eye has gone. Aaron explained to me, that now he can see the words properly, he understands why he found it so hard before. But because he had always seen the letters that way, he didn’t know that there was anything wrong!
I am so glad I decided to get Aaron assessed. I think Alison Lawson is an amazing lady – what an amazing programme. There is so much talk about dyslexia and people don’t realise there is a cure!